December 7-17

Please use the link below to log into our online learning center. Go ahead and take a look at the course and make a game plan. We encourage you to get started with the content right away. We’ve made the videos short so you can tackle one small piece at a time.
To get the most out of our group coaching call, we’d suggest you complete the course (though it’s certainly not mandatory!)
Below, you’ll find the details for our Group Coaching Call. Be sure to get this ‘appointment’ in your calendar. If you cannot meet us live, no worries. But, we do suggest you look ahead between the 13-17th to find a time that you can rewatch the replay!
The replay will be here shortly after the live call.
Group Coaching Call - REPLAY
Click below to listen in our coaching call from Monday, December 13.
Voxer Support
Connect with your course facilitator & cohort on Voxer during the Intensive.
We use Voxer for voice and text messages to answer questions, clarify content, and connect.
Download Voxer here (free version) and send a message to shannonfable (username) to get started!